Okay, I love this one

Monday, October 20, 2008

Took a little thinking, but I was able to get the focus just right. What do you think? Taken from the deck of the Battleship Texas.

Vacation 08

It's been a while.

I've taken a break over the summer, but I didn't stop taking pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. To see all of them visit http://flickr.com/photos/mseymour/

First, the coolest thing that happened all summer was a baseball bat. I'm not kidding. Maddie, Tanner, my brother Garrett and my dad and I all went to the fan appreciation day Astros game. During the middle of the game Carlos Lee gave Tanner his bat! Totally surreal. Here's a picture of Tanner with the bat - he was a little self conscience.

Astros fan appreciation day

My next favorite day of the summer was at the San Jacinto monument with Garrett and the kids. I was able to get a group picture with the monument in the back ground, then get a few shots with Garrett, the monument and the perfect blue sky.

Vacation 08

Vacation 08

Finally, mom and dad asked me to take some pictures of them on the back porch. I'm not pleased with how they turned out, but here's the best one.


Comcast needs to step it up

Friday, July 25, 2008

I read this article http://news.cnet.com/2100-1025-6244299.html?tag=nefd.top and had to chime in...

-- Article Removed by Author --

Okay, I left my rant up for a couple of weeks, and ComCast never called. I love cable, I love the Internet. I just wish there were options for the end users, instead of a monopoly.

Birthday Wish

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Birthday Wish, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Ever see birthday wish concentration like that before?

Fun with the Rear View

Fun with the Rear View, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

I was parked, I swear! Well, I was when I took this one, anyway.

Happy Birthday Maddie

Happy Birthday Maddie, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

My little girl turned eight the other day, and I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, Maddie!

I'm proud of you, little girl. You're a delight; a true gift.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Taylors, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

I've seen other photographer's pictures of neon signs, and they make me jealous. I'm still working out the camera settings to really get a good capture.

Desert Bowl

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Desert Bowl, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Cadillac Sky

Cadillac Sky, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Cadillac Sunset

Cadillac Sunset, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Cadillac Ranch Graffiti

Cadillac Ranch Graffiti, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

The Cadillacs

The Cadillacs, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Prairie Rainbow

Prairie Rainbow, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.


SunsetStorm, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Prairie Storm

Prairie Storm, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Prickly Pear

Prickly Pear, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Garrett at PDC

Garrett at PDC, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Palo Duro Canyon

Palo Duro Canyon, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Beautiful Palo Duro Canyon. I forget how much I love this place. If you like the West, then visit the canyon, which offers hiking, sight seeing, camping, mountain biking and picnics. Also, the outdoor play "Texas" is performed in the canyon through-out the summer.

Palo Duro Rescue

Palo Duro Rescue, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Oops! Climbers bit off more than they could chew this Memorial Day weekend. Rescuers were called in for help. Picture taken from the floor of Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo, Texas. Only injuries were to the climber's egos.

Paramount in Red

Paramount in Red, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Love this one!

Amarillo by Morning

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's been a while, but I'm back. I posted last week that I was heading to Amarillo for my cousin's wedding. Well, it was a great trip! I'm still trying to recover from the golf, beer, late nights, the beer and the bourbon, oh yeah, and the excellent food (yes, you have to recover from too much excellent food). I'll be loading a bunch of pictures from the trip, some that I think absolutely rock and others that are just family pics. If you're family and you'd like to see a whole lot more than I have here on the blog check out my Ryan's Wedding flickr set by clicking on the link. Check back over the week following this post because it'll take me some time to get everything uploaded.

Here we go: I've never taken pictures in an airport or on-board a plane before, so I really hoped they'd let me. Turns out it's no big deal at all.

Load Em Up
Now why would they need to put a sign on the walkway telling people not to push it with the plane? I'd think it's just common sense to not push anything with a plane.

Queue By Number
Southwest changed their seating procedure. You've been warned.

And their off
Ha-ha! The common man can take flying pictures too. Whooo-Hoooo!

So I get to Amarillo, pick up the rental and head to my brother's office where he's been working on a rubber band ball for quite some time. He's mighty proud of his work. What do you think?

Garrett and the rubber band ball
Over all Garrett was a pretty good sport about the pictures. I drove him all over town in my quest to get everything, and he was a big help with ideas.
The limit

The 5 Wood

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The 5 Wood, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Taken at the driving range at dusk, this is the first picture taken with my new 1.8/f 50mm lens. I cropped only, meaning this is straight out of the camera! Check out the detail the lens picked up. Called the "nifty fifty" by the Canon community because it's unbelievably cheap for the spectacular glass, I can't wait to go play with this lens.

Dad's full moon

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dad's full moon, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Dad called me up to tell me the moon was just over the horizon. He wasn't happy with my other full moon shot, I guess :p Like any good son I went out to take a picture for him. The things we do for our parents.

A little secret:

This picture is actually a compilation of two pictures. I had to slow the shutter way down to get the church as light as it is. I then increased the speed again for the moon picture. Later I merged the two in PS. The moon never seems big enough in the original pictures, meaning it doesn't look as big in the pictures as it looks when we see it with the naked eye, so I increased the scale of the moon in this picture to compensate.

Rabbit Ears

Rabbit Ears, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Mike lets Maddie get a little payback for his earlier antics. No tripod, and very little light so no choice but to use the OC flash. Photoshop helped a little, but I know I can do better than this.

Maddie on the Range

Maddie on the Range, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Maddie swinging away at the local range. She had a blast, but her hands had a few blisters. I've got to find some very small gloves for her.

Full Moon

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Full Moon, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

I finally did it. I still can't believe it, but I had to ramp the shutter speed up to 1/800 of a second to get this shot at ISO 200. I only have an 85mm lens, but as my lens collection grows I'm sure this shot will improve.

Neon Vision

Friday, May 16, 2008

Neon Vision, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Favorite shot of the night. What better than a neon sign lighting up the night with an advertisement for eyeglasses.

Sky Statue

Sky Statue, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Looks better in a large view. Click on the image to go to flickr where a larger view can be found.

Railroad Brake Wheel

Railroad Brake Wheel, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Taken from the parking lot of the railroad museum on Galveston. Now I need to actually pay to get inside the museum and take more pictures.

Crackle Color

Crackle Color, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Found this nut and bolt attached to big, narrow spindle on the side of the road. The color grabbed my attention right away.

Saltgrass Sunset

Saltgrass Sunset, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Going for depth of field here, but the sun kind of took over the shot. I'll have to practice on something else from now on.

Going Home

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Some good news, folks. I'll be heading to Amarillo on the 22nd for my cousin's wedding. No, I'm not the photographer. *huge sigh of relief from the peanut gallery* I'm looking forward to seeing the family, playing some golf, and taking lots of picture. Now what does Amarillo have to offer, you may ask yourself? Good question! I'll tell ya.

  1. The Cadillac Ranch
  2. Palo Duro Canyon
  3. My brain damaged relatives. You know there's going to be good pictures when the whole lot of them are certifiable. If the cops show up I'll be sure to get a shot of that.
  4. The Big Texan
  5. A possible lightning storm. Though it may be too early in the season for them the lightning storms that roll in during the Spring are phenomenal. Watching bolt after bolt jump from cloud to cloud then strike the prairie just can't be described. I simply don't have the words.
  6. The "hill" country North-West of town down Old Boys Ranch road. Anyone living in the real hill country of Texas would laugh, but it really is very pretty land. I recall a rancher building a white fence around the middle of one of the plateaus out that way in an effort to make the top of the plateau "float" in the air. I'd be shocked if the fence is still there, but if I see it I'll show you.
  7. The crazy street signs design by some mad artist cemented into the middle of people's yards all over town.
  8. Downtown and the East end of Amarillo Boulevard
  9. The "Old West" meets "the '50s" feel to so many of the buildings and art.
  10. Last, be certainly not least - Route 66.
Amarillo is where I was born, where I spent my summer's growing up, where I finished high school, learned to bartend, received an Associates to start my current career, and where my two kids were born. Though I doubt I'll ever live there again, I've a place in my heart for the prairie town. This will be my first time back in 8 years, so it'll be good to see what's changed, how it's grown, and what the people that bought my granddad's house did to it. He used to live on Memory Lane, and I've walked down his street. Yeah, I'm lame.

Momma Ruthie

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ruthie Portrait 2, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Happy Mother's Day. Yeah, I know it's not Mother's day anymore, but I started all of this on Mother's day, so it counts. I seriously have to get faster at processing pictures.

Like any good son who lives relatively close I visited mom on Mother's day. Please understand, mom's not doing so hot compared to most others her age because of a funcky, ultra-rare, pain in the ass disease which basically killed her lungs. She's only with us now because of a double lung transplant she underwent a little over a year ago. Understandably, I thought I should get a few pictures while I was over and mom went along with it. She doesn't have the strength to put up much of a fight, so I was getting the pictures whether she wanted to or not :)

I hope you like the after effects on the photos, mom. I still have the originals, so no worries there. Also, I did a little touch up and air brushing - you're a regular model now. Lova ya mom; hope you had a good day. And, thanks for the steak and potatos dad!

Ruthie on the swing

Ruthie on the swing, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Ruthie Portrait

Ruthie Portrait, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Vintage Ruthie

Vintage Ruthie, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

Happy Mother's day, Mom!

Ruthie and Trampus

Ruthie and Trampus, originally uploaded by Mike Seymour.

I'm digging on...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pioneer Woman Photography by Ree. She's funny, and takes some amazing pictures. She also has a Photoshop Actions download that I tried for the first time tonight. Holy crap are actions cool! In just a bit you'll see the results, and I hope you like them.

Here's another blog with nothing to do with photography, but is extremely well written. The site is http://www.fatcyclist.com/, and though the site is based on mountain biking it expands into road cycling and the happenings in the life of the author. I love the author's sense of humor, and feel terrible for his family. Ever ridden down a road and had some *very bad expletive here* person swerve/honk/yell/throw something at you. If so, you've got to read this open letter from the Fat Cyclist.

On to the pictures. Hope you enjoy

Sunset on Dickenson Bayou

Power Plant

Red Lines

Powerlines at Sunset


Slow Water

Urban Drains

Pipe View